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Version 1.3

New Features

  • Sized Collections
  • Burning NFTs
  • Set Token Standard

New Instructions

  • CreateMetadataAccountV3
    • Same as CreateMetadataAccount2, but supports CollectionDetails
  • VerifySizeCollectionItem
    • Allows a sized collection item verified flag to become true on an NFT to represent a Certified Collection. Essentially this officially adds to a Collection.
  • UnVerifySizedCollectionItem
    • Allows a sized collection verified flag to become false on an NFT to represent a Certified Collection. Essentially this officially removes from a Collection.
  • SetAndVerifySizedCollectionItem
    • Allows both setting and verifying, in the same instruction, the collection item for a sized collection.
  • SetCollectionSize
    • Allows an unsized collecetion to set its size once to migrate to the new sized collection standard.
  • SetTokenStandard
    • Allows a token without a token standard to have it set. The program automatically detects and sets the correct token standard type.
  • BurnNft
    • Allows the owner of a NFT to burn it and reclaim funds locked up in token, metadata and edition accounts.


  • The following instruction now shows a deprecation warning when executed
    • CreateMetadataAccountV2 - please use CreateMetadataAccountV3 instead